It's been requested that we move to a generic fixVersion for the mainline cpu repository "jdk-cpu". For Skara to accept this, we need some adjustments in the JdkVersion class.
We also need to provide some kind of mechanism for handling merges of changes from the jdk repo to the jdk-cpu repo. Currently those two repos have the same fixVersion set, so changes merged from jdk to jdk-cpu do not trigger another Backport record to be created. If we change the jdk-cpu repo to have a different fixVersion, we don't want additional Backport records created when merging changes from jdk to jdk-cpu.
I'm proposing adding a new configuration element in the notify bot. Similar to the current fixversions section, we would provide an optional secondary set of fixversions (per branch) which enumerate fixversions that satisfy the change as fixed in JBS, but do not trigger additional Backport records to be made. We could call it altfixversions.
Here is an example:
jdk-cpu has configuration
"fixversions": {
"master": "jdk-cpu"
jdk has configuration
"fixversions": {
"master": "18"
We add a new configuration element for jdk-cpu:
"altfixversions": {
"master": ["18"]
The proposed "altfixversions" defines a set of fixversions for each branch for which we just check if a record exists, and if it does, we do not create a new one. Most of the time, this will just be a single entry per branch, but I could imagine special cases where we would need to list multiples.
We also need to provide some kind of mechanism for handling merges of changes from the jdk repo to the jdk-cpu repo. Currently those two repos have the same fixVersion set, so changes merged from jdk to jdk-cpu do not trigger another Backport record to be created. If we change the jdk-cpu repo to have a different fixVersion, we don't want additional Backport records created when merging changes from jdk to jdk-cpu.
I'm proposing adding a new configuration element in the notify bot. Similar to the current fixversions section, we would provide an optional secondary set of fixversions (per branch) which enumerate fixversions that satisfy the change as fixed in JBS, but do not trigger additional Backport records to be made. We could call it altfixversions.
Here is an example:
jdk-cpu has configuration
"fixversions": {
"master": "jdk-cpu"
jdk has configuration
"fixversions": {
"master": "18"
We add a new configuration element for jdk-cpu:
"altfixversions": {
"master": ["18"]
The proposed "altfixversions" defines a set of fixversions for each branch for which we just check if a record exists, and if it does, we do not create a new one. Most of the time, this will just be a single entry per branch, but I could imagine special cases where we would need to list multiples.
- relates to
SKARA-1892 Handle jfx cpu versions
- Resolved
SKARA-1350 Altfixversions isn't checking Backport resolution
- Resolved
SKARA-1465 Using altfixversions prevents commit comments
- Resolved