Project repositories commonly have fixVersions in JBS on the form "repo-<project>". Skara doesn't currently understand this format and will not parse it into a JdkVersion instance. This prevents us from actually using these as version in a .jcheck/conf in a project.
The way this has seemed to work so far is that all project repos that use this fix version have been configured to not have the notifier update the fixVersion, but just rely on any issue already having the correct fixVersion. They are also all configured to only react to PRs being integrated, not commits showing up.
The way this has seemed to work so far is that all project repos that use this fix version have been configured to not have the notifier update the fixVersion, but just rely on any issue already having the correct fixVersion. They are also all configured to only react to PRs being integrated, not commits showing up.
- links to
Commit(master) openjdk/skara/de726faa
Review(master) openjdk/skara/1686