Module java.desktop

Class DialogOwner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Attribute, PrintRequestAttribute

    public final class DialogOwner
    extends Object
    implements PrintRequestAttribute
    An attribute class used to support requesting a print or page setup dialog be kept displayed on top of all windows or some specific window, to the extent that the implementation can support this with a particular combination of platform and AWT and native windows and print dialogs.

    Constructed without any arguments it will request that a print or page setup dialog be configured as if the application directly was to specify java.awt.Window.setAlwaysOnTop(true)

    Constructed with a Window parameter, it requests that the dialog be owned by the specified window.

    Both of the above cases require that the target dialog be an AWT Dialog, and in the latter case additionally that the owner be an AWT Window. However if instead the target dialog is a platform native dialog or the owner window was created by some other Toolkit (for example, JavaFX), then it is necessary to resort to using native mechanisms to establish a similar relationship with a specific window. In this case use the constructor that specifies a long.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs an instance which can be used to request java.awt.Window.setAlwaysOnTop(true) behaviour.
      DialogOwner​(long id)
      Constructs an instance which requests that the dialog be displayed as if it were a child of a native platform window, specified using its opqaue platform identifier or handle.
      DialogOwner​(Window owner)
      Constructs an instance which can be used to request that the specified Window be the owner of the dialog.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DialogOwner

        public DialogOwner()
        Constructs an instance which can be used to request java.awt.Window.setAlwaysOnTop(true) behaviour. This should be used where there is no application preferred owner window. Whether this has any effect depends on if always on top is supported for this platform and the particular dialog to be displayed. Notably, this will not have any effect when applied to a platform native dialog.
      • DialogOwner

        public DialogOwner​(Window owner)
        Constructs an instance which can be used to request that the specified Window be the owner of the dialog.
        owner - window.
      • DialogOwner

        public DialogOwner​(long id)
        Constructs an instance which requests that the dialog be displayed as if it were a child of a native platform window, specified using its opqaue platform identifier or handle. This is useful mainly for the case where the id represents a window which may not be an AWT Window, but instead was created by another UI toolkit, such as OpenJFX. Any effect is platform dependent.
        id - a native window identifier or handle
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public long getID()
        Returns a native platform id or handle, if one was specified, otherwise, zero.
        a native platform id.
      • getOwner

        public Window getOwner()
        Returns a Window owner, if one was specified, otherwise null.
        an owner window.
      • getCategory

        public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory()
        Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.

        For class DialogOwner, the category is class DialogOwner itself.

        Specified by:
        getCategory in interface Attribute
        printing attribute class (category), an instance of class java.lang.Class
      • getName

        public final String getName()
        Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

        For class DialogOwner, the category name is "dialog-owner".

        Specified by:
        getName in interface Attribute
        attribute category name