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  1. Code Tools
  2. CODETOOLS-7900027

Result filtering in GUI needs better exposure and usability




      I marked this as P2 because it looks like JCK will be invalidated by the issue

      There are following major issues that make using filters inconvenient (nearly impossible) when
      custom test filtering approaches are used.
        - When JT UI is open, configuration is complete, and View Filter: Status of Current Configuration is chosen, some tests are being filtered out, but find the reason:

        - May be difficult to find: one needs to chose "bottommost folder" containing the TD under conasideration,
          choose "Filtered out" Tab and then find the reason in respective row.
          When it turns out that many TDs are shown on the list, it is very inconvenient.

          If it is going to be fixed sometimes, I have a suggestion: new facility in the UI _MUST NOT_
          at least make the user to navigate away from currently selected TD on the tests tree, and
          ideally, the reason should be shown in the TD tab (if possible). The reason is simple enough
          when the decision if to filter out the test or not is being made, following data participates:
            - Configuration
            - Test URL
            - Test Description contents.
          When proposed approach is followed, at least second and third should be shown to the user
          at the moment of looking into the reason why the test was filtered out.

        - May be impossible to find: CompositeFilter used in JT does not show the real reason
          for test being filtered out. Given that when multiple TestFilters participate in test filtering,
          it takes awhile to realize the reason for the test being filtered out.


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              afedorch Alexey Fedorchenko (Inactive)
              bkvartsk Boris Kvartskhava
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

