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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4048400

PrintDialog: fails silently when printing to an invalid printer


    • generic, x86
    • generic, solaris_2.4

      Using HotJava 1.0FCS and JDK1.1.1, one can bring up the AWT PrintDialog
      via the "Print..." menu item on the File menu. If you change the
      printer destination from "lp" to some other printer that doesn't
      exist (say "this-printer-doesnt-exist") and then click on Print,
      the print fails silently. No messages on the console, no error
      dialogs, and to make matters worse HotJava puts "Printing... done"
      in its message window which implies success.

      This common error should be reported to the user in some way.

      One possibility is to have the PrintDialog pop an error notice
      saying that the printer doesnt exist or that the lp command failed.
      Another would be have an error status returned to the creator
      of the PrintDialog (in this case HotJava) so it can do some error
      reporting. Probably the ideal would be to do both.

            elarsen Erik Larsen (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
