Name: rlT66838 Date: 08/14/97
In Japanese's date formats, there is a format
that has an emperor era name with the year. For
example, 1997/08/07 can be translated as:
1997 "year" 8 "month" 7 "day"
where "year", "month", and "day" are Japanese
characters, but also can be translated to:
"Emperor Era Name" 10 "year" 8 "month" 7 "day"
where "Emperor Name" is the name of the current
emperor in 1997 and 10 means he's in the 10th
year of his reign. This information can be
available from the OS. Our Japanese clients
request that Java should provide this format
for Japanese Java apps.
- duplicates
JDK-4052414 RFE: Traditional Calendars
- Closed
JDK-6261278 (cal) RFE: Taiwanese calendar support
- Closed