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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4431060

Installer quits when run as restricted user in windows 2000


    • hopper
    • x86
    • windows_2000, windows_xp
    • Not verified

      Name: mt13159 Date: 03/28/2001

      If you run the Java plugin 1.3.0_02 installer as a Windows 2000 Restricted User, the splash screen is shown, then the installer just quits. Restricted Users do not have the permission necessary to install - for example, they cannot write to the Program Files directory or alter HKEY_CURRENT_MACHINE registry entries. Therefore, it is expected that the installer will fail for these users. Only a Power User or Administrator can install a plugin on Windows 2000. However, some kind of message should be displayed to the user instead of just quiting. Other plugins, such as RealPlayer and Quicktime, pop up a dialog informing the user that as a Restricted User, they do not have permission to install. The Java plugin needs something similar. The same goes for uninstall. The user will not be able to uninstall the plugin if it was installed by a Power User or Administrator, so a message should inform them of this.
      (Review ID: 119521)

            billyh William Harnois
            mthakore Mayank Thakore (Inactive)
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