Tested bundle:
Tested environment:
Solaris 6 (zh)/Netscape 4.7 /jdk1.3.1
installed jdk is build 1.3.1-rc1-b20.
Problem found:
application manager can't run application because can't using installed jdk1.3.1.
jdk1.3.1 was installed and recognized by java web start, jdk1.3.1 item can be found at the menu item preferences -> java.
but when run application, can't find jdk to run application even the application only need j2se 1.2+ .
Problem reproduce:
1. start application manager.
2. load application "Draw" within the application manager. after a while, the error will display:
Title: Draw
Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Category: Download Error
The application has requested a version of the Java 2 platform (JRE) that is cur
rently not locally installed. Java Web Start was unable to automatically downloa
d and install the requested version. The JRE version must be installed manually.
Error Code 11 (11 Requested version is not available for automatic download) ret
urned from server when accessing resource: (http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/
j2se, 1.2+)
kathy.chen@PRC 2001-04-24
Tested environment:
Solaris 6 (zh)/Netscape 4.7 /jdk1.3.1
installed jdk is build 1.3.1-rc1-b20.
Problem found:
application manager can't run application because can't using installed jdk1.3.1.
jdk1.3.1 was installed and recognized by java web start, jdk1.3.1 item can be found at the menu item preferences -> java.
but when run application, can't find jdk to run application even the application only need j2se 1.2+ .
Problem reproduce:
1. start application manager.
2. load application "Draw" within the application manager. after a while, the error will display:
Title: Draw
Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Category: Download Error
The application has requested a version of the Java 2 platform (JRE) that is cur
rently not locally installed. Java Web Start was unable to automatically downloa
d and install the requested version. The JRE version must be installed manually.
Error Code 11 (11 Requested version is not available for automatic download) ret
urned from server when accessing resource: (http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/
j2se, 1.2+)
kathy.chen@PRC 2001-04-24
- duplicates
JDK-4449782 Jaws fails to load applications with some JREs; b16
- Closed