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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4511871

HS 1.4 rejects -Xms2m as "too small"


    • rc
    • generic, sparc
    • generic, solaris

      Name: elR10090 Date: 10/08/2001

      Testbase: testbase_nsk
      Test: nsk/coverage/arguments/arguments013

      HotSpot VM refuses to start with -Xms2m option on Solaris/SPARC:

          >>>> .../jdk1.4.0beta-b81/solsparc/bin/java -Xms2m HelloWorld
          Error occurred during initialization of VM
          Too small initial heap for new size specified

          >>>> .../jdk1.4.0beta-b81/solsparc/bin/java -Xms3m HelloWorld
          Hello world!

      However, the online documentation says that 2Mb is the default
      value for initial heap size, see:

             Specify the initial size, in bytes, of the memory allocation pool.
             This value must be a multiple of 1024 greater than 1MB.
             Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, or m or M to
             indicate megabytes. The default value is 2MB. Examples:

      This citation does not defines: if HotSpot must start with 1025k
      or either 1025k is necessary but may be not enough value for -Xms
      option. However, HotSpot definitely must start with -Xms2m because
      documentation says 2MB is the default value.

      Actually, the minimal enough value is 128k bigger for Merlin
      (I assume, that 1k=1024, and 1m=1024k):

          >>>> .../jdk1.4.0beta-b81/solsparc/bin/java -Xms2176k HelloWorld
          Error occurred during initialization of VM
          Too small initial heap for new size specified

          >>>> .../jdk1.4.0beta-b81/solsparc/bin/java -Xms2177k HelloWorld
          Hello world!

      May be, J2SE online documentation should be updated?

      There is no writer assigned to this area of the documentation.
      So this will not get addressed unless done by engineering

            ksrini Kumar Srinivasan
            latkinsunw Latkin Latkin (Inactive)
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