Attached is a Zip file for the test case and following is procedure to reproduce a failure being encountered by our Test suite SwingDnD .
OS - Win 98 SE , Build 89 (Also on Build 83)
1. Unzip the file attached.
2. At Command prompt give : java -classpath .;ltf.jar;awtsqe.jar
3. Two frames (Different JVMs) shall come up . When text is selected in
one frame and dragged the selection itself changes to more characters
than already selected . (Although the right characters get dropped to
the second frame )
4. If you issue the following command java -classpath .;ltf.jar
InterJVMDnDTest ,Robot shall not come up and you can try the same thing
on your own manually (i.e. Selecting Dragging and dropping ). Strange
also is the fact that this happens just the first time .On second trial
with a few other characters the failure does not happen .
OS - Win 98 SE , Build 89 (Also on Build 83)
1. Unzip the file attached.
2. At Command prompt give : java -classpath .;ltf.jar;awtsqe.jar
3. Two frames (Different JVMs) shall come up . When text is selected in
one frame and dragged the selection itself changes to more characters
than already selected . (Although the right characters get dropped to
the second frame )
4. If you issue the following command java -classpath .;ltf.jar
InterJVMDnDTest ,Robot shall not come up and you can try the same thing
on your own manually (i.e. Selecting Dragging and dropping ). Strange
also is the fact that this happens just the first time .On second trial
with a few other characters the failure does not happen .
- duplicates
JDK-4719702 DND of text in JTextArea causes the disappearance of the text
- Closed
JDK-4760465 JTable setDragEnabled first time activated fails
- Closed
JDK-4748394 Very first drag-copy of a JTable Selection causes the Selection to grow
- Closed
- relates to
JDK-4333906 DnD object dropped is not the object removed
- Resolved
JDK-4752810 REGRESSION: Regtest-test bug .../ fails on JDK1.4.2-b0
- Closed
JDK-4710511 Unexpected mouseRelease event received after calling exportAsDrag()
- Closed
(1 relates to)