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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4719702

DND of text in JTextArea causes the disappearance of the text


      Hopper Build : 17
      OS tested on platforms :Sparc10(64) and Sparc10(32)
      OS build : 5.10 s10_13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

      I had tested with 5.10 s10_12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10 also , and the bug is reproducible.

      Java -version:

      java version "1.4.1-rc"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1-rc-b17)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1-rc-b17, mixed mode)

      Test case to reproduce the bug:


      import javax.swing.*;
      import java.awt.*;

                 public class Test extends JFrame {

                     public Test() {
                         JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
                         ta.append("This is the text to drag.");
                         ta.append("\nThis is some other text.");
                         getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(ta));

                     public static void main(String[] args) {
                         Test t = new Test();
                         t.setSize(400, 400);

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Compile and run the above program.
      2. Highlight all of the first line.
      3. Begin a drag operation by dragging the text from the first line.
      4. Now drop somewhere the text dissapears.

      This test passed on Windows-xp and Sparc8.

      Also refer the bug 4513715.

      ###@###.### 2002-07-25

            shickeysunw Shannon Hickey (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
