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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6416095

Change docs structures to support efficient work processes


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 6
    • 6
    • docs
    • None
    • b83
    • generic
    • generic

      To support efficient workflow, we need to produce a document structure that separates generated documents from edited ones, just as classes are separated from source files, and generated sources from edited sources. The target structure will look like this:

          | |
       webnotes docs
          | ________ _____|___ ______ _______ ____
          | | | | | | |
       install technotes legal : api platform jre jdk
                _______|_______ : | | |
               | | | : | api api
            tools samples guides : _____|_____ _____
                                      : | | | |
                                      : jvmti jdwp rmi serialization

      where the api/ and platform/ directories contain normative generated specs, while jre and jdk contain informative generated specs.

      Here is what the direcotories will contain:

         docs/api: Java SE apis. (Same as current docs/api)

         webnotes (web only pages)
         --files that were on the web and in relnotes
         --most recently: devdocs-vs-specs.html

         legal (from old relnotes)

      samples (old relnotes)
         javaws_samples.html (old samples.html)

      Note: contacts.html goes away







         tools (old "tooldocs"):
         share/ solaris/ linux/ windows/

         technotes (old "guides")
         2d/ javadoc/ pack200/
         access/ javaws/ performance/
         apt/ jdbc/ plugin/
         attach/ jmx/ preferences/
         awt/ jndi/ reflection/
         beans/ jni/ refobs/
         collections/ jpda/ rmi/
         concurrency/ jps/ rmi-iiop/
         deployment/ jvmti/ security/
         dragndrop/ lang/ serialization/
         extensions/ language/ sound/
         idl/ logging/ standards/
         imageio/ management/ swing/
         imf/ math/ versioning/
         intl/ net/ vm/
         io/ nio/ xml/
      Left out of the original picture:

                  _EDITED_ _GENERATED_
              (things to the left) 6 (things to the right)
          | |
       webnotes docs

            earmstrosunw Eric Armstrong (Inactive)
            earmstrosunw Eric Armstrong (Inactive)
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