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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-6608692

HotSpot version wrong when JPRT is used to build on Linux and Solaris


    • b07
    • b08
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

        The following bug fix:

            6604091 4/4 OpenJDK jvm.dll property has incorrect VM version

        appears to have broken the HotSpot version string when the workspace
        is built with JPRT. Here is an excerpt from e-mail from Keith:

        Keith McGuigan via RT wrote:
        > > Ok, I've confirmed that this is indeed the problem. In c2_baseline, the sources
        > > associated with putback 20070913113153.never.6604006, when built with JPRT,
        > > results in a binary with a version of
        > > "11.0-b07-2007-09-20-000214.km88527.workspace" (this is correct)
        > >
        > > The next sources for the next putback to c2_baseline,
        > > 20070913133049.kvn.6604091, when built with JPRT, results in a binary with a
        > > version of:
        > > "11.0-b07" (this is wrong)
        > >
        > > Apparently the builds done with PRT result in a different version string, for if
        > > I install the 20070913133049.kvn.6604091 binaries directly, the version string
        > > appears correct.
        > >
        > > This appears to explain the remaining issue. This is a regression in the
        > > workspace. The bug occurs somewhere in the JPRT build path in the workspace --
        > > the reason this baseline caught it is likely only because it was the first
        > > baseline to build with JPRT.
        > >
        > > JPRT should be absolved for the time being. I'll leave the rest of the
        > > resolution of this to you guys unless new jprt install problems arise.
        > >
        > > --
        > > - Keith
        > >

        Since this breakage does not affect Win* builds, our guess
        is that the changes to build/linux/Makefile and
        build/solaris/Makefile caused this problem.

        Please see the following GTEE ticket for the gory details.


              kvn Vladimir Kozlov
              dcubed Daniel Daugherty
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
