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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8015393

Step 8:The application will be blocked for S1 users.


    • x86
    • os_x

      Platform:Mac OS 10.8 (x64)

      Steps(this test case is from new_framework/tests/common/manual/disableJavaManual_NonMultipleJRE/testcases/disableJavaManual_NonMultipleJREScenarios/testAdminDisabledFirstThenStandardUserPrivileged.html)

      1.Install test JRE ( it should supports "Enable Java" feature ), do the next preparation settings:
      User A's Java is enabled.
      User S1's Java is enabled.
      User S2's Java is disabled.
      2.Login as User A, disable Java
      3.Login as User S1, enable Java, providing Admin credential when asked.
      4.Make sure:
      User A's Java is disabled.
      User S1's Java is enabled.
      User S2's Java is disabled.
      5.Make sure that java is disabled for users: A/S2 and enabled for S1
      6.(ONLY apply to JDK 8 and JDK7 version 7u11 and later: Before applets/javaws applications get launched, a security warning dialog will pop-up asking you if you want to run the application. Click "Run" to accept. NOTE: This is NOT a cert dialog)
      7.Run sample applets and make sure that it's blocked for A/S2 users ( browser will behave as if java plugin is not installed ) and NOT blocked for S1 users:
      8.Skip this assertaion on Unix and Linux (Applies to Windows and Mac Only). Try to start javaws application SUITE_DIR/new_framework/tests/common/manual/disableJavaManual_NonMultipleJRE/jnlp/testJavawsLaunchOnCLI.jnlp from windows explorer, make sure jnlp association is blocked for A/S2 users and NOT blocked for S1 users

      The actual result:
      Step 8:The application will be blocked for S1 users.Please refer to 1.jpg

            ddehaven David Dehaven (Inactive)
            michaelw Michael Wang (Inactive)
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            6 Start watching this issue
