The current default "target" vram level for ManagedResources to start aggressively freeing less-used textures is 1/2 of the maximum vram setting. In reality, the system keeps the resource usage fairly well below the target so this means we accept some performance hits before we are even close to the target.
The default setting for the target level in lieu of a manual setting should be something closer to the max, such as 3/4 of the max.
For embedded platforms, there is no override for the defaults either so they are inadvertently relying on the settings appropriate for desktop systems to limit their vram usage. Their configuration files should be modified to be more independent, settings of 128m for maxvram and 112m for targetvram should be good for embedded systems...
The default setting for the target level in lieu of a manual setting should be something closer to the max, such as 3/4 of the max.
For embedded platforms, there is no override for the defaults either so they are inadvertently relying on the settings appropriate for desktop systems to limit their vram usage. Their configuration files should be modified to be more independent, settings of 128m for maxvram and 112m for targetvram should be good for embedded systems...
- relates to
JDK-8102008 Need a unified Texture resource management system for Prism
- Resolved