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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8128280

Big footprint of es2 pipeline on mac


      es2 pipeline footprint on Mac is ~40Mb bigger comparing to j2d pipeline.

      I have run guimark2.BitmapTest on my 10.6.8 mac using fx2.0.2-b02 with hw and sw pipelines and I see
      that java heap usage is pretty much the same but total process memory usage is bigger for j2d.
      According to memory monitor (our max_memory_counter counter shows pretty much the same) the data are:
       hw/es2: ~150 Mb
       sw/j2d: ~100 Mb

      More detailed analysis (using vmmap) shows that the difference is mostly coming from:

           =========== [ =======/========]
      es2: IOKit [ 326.3M/ 63.6M]
      es2: Java [ 300.5M/ 45.3M]
      es2: MALLOC [ 68.9M/ 36.3M]
      es2: OpenGL GLSL [ 2048K/ 1152K]
      es2: __DATA [ 14.0M/ 10.4M]
      es2: __TEXT [ 106.5M/ 50.1M]

      j2d: IOKit [ 256.0M/ 0K]
      j2d: Java [ 300.5M/ 50.3M]
      j2d: MALLOC [ 66.0M/ 33.6M]
      j2d: __DATA [ 10.5M/ 7.7M]
      j2d: __TEXT [ 95.3M/ 45.6M]

      IOKit is a collection of system frameworks, libraries, tools, and other resources for creating device drivers in Mac OS X.
      I guess it is used by es2/jogl.

      The difference in __DATA and __TEXT is mostly contributed by reading /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceGLDriver
      (I see the same on our Lab machines).

      You can observe pretty much the same memory usage difference by running any FX demo application
      with es2 and jd2 pipelines.

      Would be nice to consider possibility to reduce footprint if possible.

            ckyang Chien Yang (Inactive)
            epavlova Ekaterina Pavlova
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            7 Start watching this issue
