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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8169925

Organize licenses by module in source, JMOD file, and run-time image


    • b150
    • Verified

        This tool support enables to package license files in JMOD file and copy in the runtime image at link-time.

        The proposal is to add a new legal notice section in JMOD format. jlink will copy the license files to the `legal` directory in the runtime image and organized by module:

        The same copy of license file may be carried in more than one JMOD files. A jlink plugin can be provided to deduplicate the legal notices when copied to the runtime image.

              mchung Mandy Chung (Inactive)
              mchung Mandy Chung (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
