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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8204930

Reader:nullReader() spec does not match the behavior


    • b20
    • Verified

        As part of new test development for the CSR : JDK-8196350
        It's been observed that specification mismatch to the behavior.

        Specification :

         "While the stream is open, the read(), read(char[]), read(char[], int, int), read(Charbuffer), ready()), skip(long), and transferTo() methods all behave as if end of stream has been reached. After the stream has been closed, these methods all throw IOException."
         Actual result :
         invoking ready() after closing the nullReader does not throw IOException.
        2. "The mark() method does nothing, and the reset() method throws IOException."

          Actual Result :
         Invoking the mark() throws IOException.

        Code snipped attached to demonstrate this.

              reinhapa Patrick Reinhart
              kganapureddy Krushnareddy Ganapureddy
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