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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8299937

Robot.waitForIdle() takes unnecessary long time in some cases


    • generic
    • os_x

      It is noticed that Robot.waitForIdle() takes unnecessary long time(around 10 seconds) when we call it after calling 'robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK)'.
      And it is noticed only with BUTTON3(which is a PopupEventTrigger) press using robot and for other buttons it is just taking some milliseconds time only. I have attached a simple reproducer for this.

      This is currently noticed only in MacOS x64 platform. I have checked it in Windows x64 and MacOS x64 platforms. I will check and update about other platforms soon.

      This is reproducible in 11,17, 20 and 21 JDK releases, but not reproducible in JDK 8.

            achung Alisen Chung
            mvs Manukumar V S
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            9 Start watching this issue
