It is noticed that Robot.waitForIdle() takes unnecessary long time(around 10 seconds) when we call it after calling 'robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK)'.
And it is noticed only with BUTTON3(which is a PopupEventTrigger) press using robot and for other buttons it is just taking some milliseconds time only. I have attached a simple reproducer for this.
This is currently noticed only in MacOS x64 platform. I have checked it in Windows x64 and MacOS x64 platforms. I will check and update about other platforms soon.
This is reproducible in 11,17, 20 and 21 JDK releases, but not reproducible in JDK 8.
And it is noticed only with BUTTON3(which is a PopupEventTrigger) press using robot and for other buttons it is just taking some milliseconds time only. I have attached a simple reproducer for this.
This is currently noticed only in MacOS x64 platform. I have checked it in Windows x64 and MacOS x64 platforms. I will check and update about other platforms soon.
This is reproducible in 11,17, 20 and 21 JDK releases, but not reproducible in JDK 8.