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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8302876

WPathGraphics::drawImageToPlatform causes NegativeArraySizeException


    • 2d
    • x86_64
    • windows_10

      Error occurs on printing of a PDF document with embedded image mask of 1x1 Pixel.
      Due to fitting to printable area PDF document is downscaled with a scale factor of 0.9.
      Thus image mask has a size of 0.9x0.9 Pixel.

      Code producing error is:
                          // Try to limit the amount of memory used to 8Mb, so
                          // if at device resolution this exceeds a certain
                          // image size then scale down the region to fit in
                          // that memory, but never to less than 72 dpi.

                          int w = (int)region.getWidth();
                          int h = (int)region.getHeight();
                          int nbytes = w * h * 3;
                          int maxBytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
                          double origDpi = (devResX < devResY) ? devResX : devResY;
                          int dpi = (int)origDpi;
                          double scaleFactor = 1;

                          double maxSFX = w/(double)boundsWidth;
                          double maxSFY = h/(double)boundsHeight;
                          double maxSF = (maxSFX > maxSFY) ? maxSFY : maxSFX;
                          int minDpi = (int)(dpi/maxSF);

      - region.getWidth() and region.getHeight() return a value of 0.9
      - Value of variables w and h is 0 (cast to int)
      - Value of double maxSFX and double maxSFY is 0.0
      - Value of double maxSF is 0.0
      - Value of int minDpi is MAX_INT (division by zero and cast to int)
      - method saveState of WPrinterJob is called with a region with width 3248928.1765086283 and height 3248928.176508832
        Code: wPrinterJob.saveState(getTransform(), getClip(), region, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
      - In method printPage of class RasterPrintJob a GraphicsState is fetched with a region of width 3248928.1765086283 and height 3248928.176508832
                      for (int i=0;i<redrawList.size();i++) {
                         GraphicsState gstate = redrawList.get(i);
      - In method redrawRegion of class WPathGraphics a BufferedImage should be created
        with width 3248928.1765086283 and height 3248928.176508832 and imagetype TYPE_3BYTE_BGR
                                              BufferedImage deepImage = new BufferedImage(
                                              (int) region.getWidth(),
                                              (int) region.getHeight(),
      - In constructor of buffered image a WritableRaster should be created with width 3248928.1765086283 and height 3248928.176508832
                case TYPE_3BYTE_BGR:
                      ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
                      int[] nBits = {8, 8, 8};
                      int[] bOffs = {2, 1, 0};
                      colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(cs, nBits, false, false,
                      raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE,
                                                              width, height,
                                                              width*3, 3,
                                                              bOffs, null);
      - In method createInterleavedRaster of class Raster size of new Bytebuffer is set to value -194425856
        which causes NegativeArraySizeException
      value of scanlineStride is 9746784 and value of pixelStride is 3
              int size = scanlineStride * (h - 1) + // fisrt (h - 1) scans
                  pixelStride * w; // last scan

              switch(dataType) {
              case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                  d = new DataBufferByte(size);

      FREQUENCY : always

            pnarayanaswa Praveen Narayanaswamy
            webbuggrp Webbug Group
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