Resolution: Delivered
JDK 8u381 includes several enhancements and fixes to improve the cgroup v1 and v2 support for containers. The improvements include accurately detecting the resource limits of containers, correctly reporting the collected container metrics, printing additional container information, and improving application stability in containerized environments.
Some of the notable stability enhancements are:
[JDK-8292083](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8292083): Java applications may experience out-of-memory errors and run the risk of being killed by the OOM killer when running in a containerized environment where the container is configured with a higher memory limit than the available physical memory on the host system. JDK 8u381 addresses this stability issue. In the previous release, this situation can be avoided by using either `-XX:-UseContainerSupport`, or `-XX:MaxRAM=<physical memory>`, or by setting a memory limit for your container that is lower than the physical memory.
[JDK-8286030](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8286030): This release addresses an issue where Java applications may encounter a fatal error when the same `/tmp` directory is shared across multiple containers. In earlier releases, this crash can be avoided by mounting `/tmp` to different locations for different containers. Alternatively, the '-XX:-UsePerfData' JVM option can be used to prevent JVMs running within different containers from writing performance data to the shared `/tmp` folder and thus avoid this issue.
Some of the notable stability enhancements are: