Resolution: Approved
Change to a preview API. An error case now becomes valid. It seems unlikely that a user relied on the exception being thrown, as this would typically indicate a bug in the program.
Java API
Allow void-returning filters for MethodHandles::collectCoordinates
Currently MethodHandles::collectCoordinates, which is the var handle version of MethodHandles::collectArguments, rejects filters that return void as a type.
However, MethodHandles::collectArguments does allow void filters. So there is a discrepancy between the two. MethodHandles::collectCoordinates does not follow the precedent in this regard.
Relax MethodHandles::collectCoordinates to allow void-returning filters, and update the specification of this method accordingly.
Note, the underlying implementation already delegates to MethodHandles::collectArguments, so updating the implementation is trivial.
The javadoc of the MethodHandles::collectCoordinates method is updated as follows:
diff --git a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.java b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.java
index 7d86f7478272..a3fcbb21165d 100644
--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.java
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.java
@@ -8188,19 +8188,18 @@ public static VarHandle permuteCoordinates(VarHandle target, List<Class<?>> newC
* filter function and the target var handle is then called on the modified (usually shortened)
* coordinate list.
* <p>
- * If {@code R} is the return type of the filter (which cannot be void), the target var handle must accept a value of
- * type {@code R} as its coordinate in position {@code pos}, preceded and/or followed by
- * any coordinate not passed to the filter.
- * No coordinates are reordered, and the result returned from the filter
- * replaces (in order) the whole subsequence of coordinates originally
- * passed to the adapter.
- * <p>
- * The argument types (if any) of the filter
- * replace zero or one coordinate types of the target var handle, at position {@code pos},
- * in the resulting adapted var handle.
- * The return type of the filter must be identical to the
- * coordinate type of the target var handle at position {@code pos}, and that target var handle
- * coordinate is supplied by the return value of the filter.
+ * If {@code R} is the return type of the filter, then:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>if {@code R} <em>is not</em> {@code void}, the target var handle must have a coordinate of type {@code R} in
+ * position {@code pos}. The parameter types of the filter will replace the coordinate type at position {@code pos}
+ * of the target var handle. When the returned var handle is invoked, it will be as if the filter is invoked first,
+ * and its result is passed in place of the coordinate at position {@code pos} in a downstream invocation of the
+ * target var handle.</li>
+ * <li> if {@code R} <em>is</em> {@code void}, the parameter types (if any) of the filter will be inserted in the
+ * coordinate type list of the target var handle at position {@code pos}. In this case, when the returned var handle
+ * is invoked, the filter essentially acts as a side effect, consuming some of the coordinate values, before a
+ * downstream invocation of the target var handle.</li>
+ * </ul>
* <p>
* If any of the filters throws a checked exception when invoked, the resulting var handle will
* throw an {@link IllegalStateException}.
@@ -8209,12 +8208,12 @@ public static VarHandle permuteCoordinates(VarHandle target, List<Class<?>> newC
* atomic access guarantees as those featured by the target var handle.
* @param target the var handle to invoke after the coordinates have been filtered
- * @param pos the position of the coordinate to be filtered
+ * @param pos the position in the coordinate list of the target var handle where the filter is to be inserted
* @param filter the filter method handle
* @return an adapter var handle which filters the incoming coordinate values,
* before calling the target var handle
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the return type of {@code filter}
- * is void, or it is not the same as the {@code pos} coordinate of the target var handle,
+ * is not void, and it is not the same as the {@code pos} coordinate of the target var handle,
* if {@code pos} is not between 0 and the target var handle coordinate arity, inclusive,
* if the resulting var handle's type would have <a href="MethodHandle.html#maxarity">too many coordinates</a>,
* or if it's determined that {@code filter} throws any checked exceptions.
- csr of
JDK-8310157 Allow void-returning filters for MethodHandles::collectCoordinates
- Resolved