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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8315462 [REDO] runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"
  3. JDK-8315378

[BACKOUT] runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"


    • b14
    • x86_64, aarch64
    • linux, windows
    • Not verified

      The following test failed in the JDK22 CI:


      Here's a snippet from the log file:

      [1280.592s][info ][class,unload] unloading class javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.util.stream.CheckSorted2 0x0000025ad5c10800
      [1280.592s][info ][class,unload] unloading class javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.util.stream.CheckSorted1 0x0000025ad5c0c400
      [1285.473s][info ][gc ] GC(55) Major Collection (Heap Inspection Initiated GC) 10478M(85%)->1526M(12%) 14.359s
      # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
      # Internal Error (c:\\sb\\prod\\1693396314\\workspace\\open\\src\\hotspot\\share\\services\\mallocTracker.cpp:94), pid=51196, tid=12636
      # assert(s->_all_mallocs.size() == total_size) failed: Total != sum of parts
      # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (22.0+13) (fastdebug build 22-ea+13-950)
      # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 22-ea+13-950, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed class ptrs, z gc, windows-amd64)
      # Core dump will be written. Default location: C:\\sb\\prod\\1693404735\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_closed_test_hotspot_jtreg_applications_runthese_RunThese30M_java\\scratch\\0\\hs_err_pid51196.mdmp
      Unsupported internal testing APIs have been used.

      # An error report file with more information is saved as:
      # C:\\sb\\prod\\1693404735\\testoutput\\test-support\\jtreg_closed_test_hotspot_jtreg_applications_runthese_RunThese30M_java\\scratch\\0\\hs_err_pid51196.log
      # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
      # https://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp

      Here's the crashing thread's stack:

      --------------- T H R E A D ---------------

      Current thread (0x0000025b0f235e20): JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_in_vm, id=12636, stack(0x0000006307800000,0x0000006307900000) (1024K)]

      Stack: [0x0000006307800000,0x0000006307900000]
      Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
      V [jvm.dll+0xc75241] os::win32::platform_print_native_stack+0x101 (os_windows_x86.cpp:236)
      V [jvm.dll+0xf1679f] VMError::report+0x147f (vmError.cpp:1000)
      V [jvm.dll+0xf18c05] VMError::report_and_die+0x645 (vmError.cpp:1814)
      V [jvm.dll+0xf19324] VMError::report_and_die+0x64 (vmError.cpp:1579)
      V [jvm.dll+0x54b1ab] report_vm_error+0x5b (debug.cpp:191)
      V [jvm.dll+0xb7515b] MallocMemorySnapshot::copy_to+0x10b (mallocTracker.cpp:94)
      V [jvm.dll+0xb9fa37] MemBaseline::baseline+0xa7 (memBaseline.cpp:193)
      V [jvm.dll+0xc24ce2] NMTDCmd::report+0x52 (nmtDCmd.cpp:151)
      V [jvm.dll+0xc24b3f] NMTDCmd::execute+0x18f (nmtDCmd.cpp:112)
      V [jvm.dll+0x5e0c62] DCmd::parse_and_execute+0x2d2 (diagnosticFramework.cpp:409)
      V [jvm.dll+0x2c5781] jcmd+0x51 (attachListener.cpp:205)
      V [jvm.dll+0x2c6a33] AttachListenerThread::thread_entry+0x243 (attachListener.cpp:413)
      V [jvm.dll+0x7f8cb9] JavaThread::thread_main_inner+0x279 (javaThread.cpp:721)
      V [jvm.dll+0xe80abd] Thread::call_run+0x1cd (thread.cpp:225)
      V [jvm.dll+0xc730f2] os::win32::thread_native_entry+0xa2 (os_windows.cpp:545)
      C [ucrtbase.dll+0x2268a] (no source info available)
      C [KERNEL32.DLL+0x17974] (no source info available)
      C [ntdll.dll+0x5a0b1] (no source info available)

      The assertion that failed:

          assert(s->_all_mallocs.size() == total_size) failed: Total != sum of parts

      was added by the following fix:

          JDK-8298992 runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"

      and that fix is included in jdk-22+13-950-tier3 so I'm
      labeling this bug as a regression.

            gziemski Gerard Ziemski
            dcubed Daniel Daugherty
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
