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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8315462

[REDO] runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"


    • b03
    • x86_64
    • linux, os_x

      The following test failed in the JDK20 CI:


      Here's a snippet from the log file:

      command: main -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI SummarySanityCheck
      reason: User specified action: run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI SummarySanityCheck
      started: Sun Dec 18 01:30:57 UTC 2022
      Mode: othervm [/othervm specified]
      Additional options from @modules: --add-modules java.base,java.management --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED
      finished: Sun Dec 18 01:31:21 UTC 2022
      elapsed time (seconds): 24.51


      [2022-12-18T01:31:17.676993882Z] Gathering output for process 1500379
      java.lang.Exception: Total committed (126251) did not match the summarized committed (126325) . Stdout is :

      Native Memory Tracking:

      (Omitting categories weighting less than 1KB)

      Total: reserved=2327235KB, committed=126251KB
             malloc: 50751KB #345243
             mmap: reserved=2276484KB, committed=75500KB

      - Java Heap (reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB)
      - Class (reserved=1048756KB, committed=372KB)
                                  (classes #1098)
                                  ( instance classes #959, array classes #139)
                                  (malloc=180KB #4663) (peak=180KB #4660)
                                  (mmap: reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB)
                                  ( Metadata: )
                                  ( reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB)
                                  ( used=2767KB)
                                  ( waste=49KB =1.73%)
                                  ( Class space:)
                                  ( reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB)
                                  ( used=91KB)
                                  ( waste=101KB =52.38%)
      - Thread (reserved=27920KB, committed=1308KB)
                                  (thread #28)
                                  (stack: reserved=27844KB, committed=1232KB)
                                  (malloc=44KB #172) (peak=52KB #176)
                                  (arena=32KB #55) (peak=435KB #51)
      - Code (reserved=55095KB, committed=15815KB)
                                  (malloc=5559KB #170440) (peak=5559KB #170447)
                                  (mmap: reserved=49536KB, committed=10256KB)
                                  (arena=0KB #0) (peak=33KB #1)
      - GC (reserved=76858KB, committed=55398KB)
                                  (malloc=22054KB #3448) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=54804KB, committed=33344KB)
      - GCCardSet (reserved=85KB, committed=85KB)
                                  (malloc=85KB #1125) (at peak)
      - Compiler (reserved=851KB, committed=851KB)
                                  (malloc=61KB #115) (peak=75KB #120)
                                  (arena=791KB #10) (peak=58749KB #10)
      - Internal (reserved=8694KB, committed=8694KB)
                                  (malloc=8658KB #157677) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=36KB, committed=36KB)
      - Other (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB)
                                  (malloc=2KB #1) (at peak)
      - Symbol (reserved=1200KB, committed=1200KB)
                                  (malloc=840KB #3351) (at peak)
                                  (arena=360KB #1) (at peak)
      - Native Memory Tracking (reserved=5403KB, committed=5403KB)
                                  (malloc=9KB #84) (at peak)
                                  (tracking overhead=5394KB)
      - Shared class space (reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB)
      - Arena Chunk (reserved=6311KB, committed=6311KB)
                                  (malloc=6311KB #284) (peak=59179KB #1446)
      - Module (reserved=195KB, committed=195KB)
                                  (malloc=195KB #2033) (at peak)
      - Safepoint (reserved=8KB, committed=8KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=8KB, committed=8KB)
      - Synchronization (reserved=213KB, committed=213KB)
                                  (malloc=213KB #1782) (at peak)
      - Serviceability (reserved=17KB, committed=17KB)
                                  (malloc=17KB #9) (at peak)
      - Metaspace (reserved=65554KB, committed=2834KB)
                                  (malloc=18KB #27) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB)
      - String Deduplication (reserved=1KB, committed=1KB)
                                  (malloc=1KB #8) (at peak)
      - Object Monitors (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB)
                                  (malloc=2KB #9) (at peak)

      at SummarySanityCheck.throwTestException(SummarySanityCheck.java:116)
      at SummarySanityCheck.main(SummarySanityCheck.java:106)
      at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(DirectMethodHandleAccessor.java:104)
      at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:578)
      at com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainThread.run(MainWrapper.java:125)
      at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1623)

      JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.Exception: Total committed (126251) did not match the summarized committed (126325) . Stdout is :

      Native Memory Tracking:

      (Omitting categories weighting less than 1KB)

      Total: reserved=2327235KB, committed=126251KB
             malloc: 50751KB #345243
             mmap: reserved=2276484KB, committed=75500KB

      - Java Heap (reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB)
      - Class (reserved=1048756KB, committed=372KB)
                                  (classes #1098)
                                  ( instance classes #959, array classes #139)
                                  (malloc=180KB #4663) (peak=180KB #4660)
                                  (mmap: reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB)
                                  ( Metadata: )
                                  ( reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB)
                                  ( used=2767KB)
                                  ( waste=49KB =1.73%)
                                  ( Class space:)
                                  ( reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB)
                                  ( used=91KB)
                                  ( waste=101KB =52.38%)
      - Thread (reserved=27920KB, committed=1308KB)
                                  (thread #28)
                                  (stack: reserved=27844KB, committed=1232KB)
                                  (malloc=44KB #172) (peak=52KB #176)
                                  (arena=32KB #55) (peak=435KB #51)
      - Code (reserved=55095KB, committed=15815KB)
                                  (malloc=5559KB #170440) (peak=5559KB #170447)
                                  (mmap: reserved=49536KB, committed=10256KB)
                                  (arena=0KB #0) (peak=33KB #1)
      - GC (reserved=76858KB, committed=55398KB)
                                  (malloc=22054KB #3448) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=54804KB, committed=33344KB)
      - GCCardSet (reserved=85KB, committed=85KB)
                                  (malloc=85KB #1125) (at peak)
      - Compiler (reserved=851KB, committed=851KB)
                                  (malloc=61KB #115) (peak=75KB #120)
                                  (arena=791KB #10) (peak=58749KB #10)
      - Internal (reserved=8694KB, committed=8694KB)
                                  (malloc=8658KB #157677) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=36KB, committed=36KB)
      - Other (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB)
                                  (malloc=2KB #1) (at peak)
      - Symbol (reserved=1200KB, committed=1200KB)
                                  (malloc=840KB #3351) (at peak)
                                  (arena=360KB #1) (at peak)
      - Native Memory Tracking (reserved=5403KB, committed=5403KB)
                                  (malloc=9KB #84) (at peak)
                                  (tracking overhead=5394KB)
      - Shared class space (reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB)
      - Arena Chunk (reserved=6311KB, committed=6311KB)
                                  (malloc=6311KB #284) (peak=59179KB #1446)
      - Module (reserved=195KB, committed=195KB)
                                  (malloc=195KB #2033) (at peak)
      - Safepoint (reserved=8KB, committed=8KB)
                                  (mmap: reserved=8KB, committed=8KB)
      - Synchronization (reserved=213KB, committed=213KB)
                                  (malloc=213KB #1782) (at peak)
      - Serviceability (reserved=17KB, committed=17KB)
                                  (malloc=17KB #9) (at peak)
      - Metaspace (reserved=65554KB, committed=2834KB)
                                  (malloc=18KB #27) (at peak)
                                  (mmap: reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB)
      - String Deduplication (reserved=1KB, committed=1KB)
                                  (malloc=1KB #8) (at peak)
      - Object Monitors (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB)
                                  (malloc=2KB #9) (at peak)

      JavaTest Message: shutting down test

      STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.Exception: Total committed (126251) did not match the summarized committed (126325) . Stdout is : 1500070: Native Memory Tracking: (Omitting categories weighting less than 1KB) Total: reserved=2327235KB, committed=126251KB malloc: 50751KB #345243 mmap: reserved=2276484KB, committed=75500KB - Java Heap (reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB) (mmap: reserved=1013760KB, committed=14336KB) - Class (reserved=1048756KB, committed=372KB) (classes #1098) ( instance classes #959, array classes #139) (malloc=180KB #4663) (peak=180KB #4660) (mmap: reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB) ( Metadata: ) ( reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB) ( used=2767KB) ( waste=49KB =1.73%) ( Class space:) ( reserved=1048576KB, committed=192KB) ( used=91KB) ( waste=101KB =52.38%) - Thread (reserved=27920KB, committed=1308KB) (thread #28) (stack: reserved=27844KB, committed=1232KB) (malloc=44KB #172) (peak=52KB #176) (arena=32KB #55) (peak=435KB #51) - Code (reserved=55095KB, committed=15815KB) (malloc=5559KB #170440) (peak=5559KB #170447) (mmap: reserved=49536KB, committed=10256KB) (arena=0KB #0) (peak=33KB #1) - GC (reserved=76858KB, committed=55398KB) (malloc=22054KB #3448) (at peak) (mmap: reserved=54804KB, committed=33344KB) - GCCardSet (reserved=85KB, committed=85KB) (malloc=85KB #1125) (at peak) - Compiler (reserved=851KB, committed=851KB) (malloc=61KB #115) (peak=75KB #120) (arena=791KB #10) (peak=58749KB #10) - Internal (reserved=8694KB, committed=8694KB) (malloc=8658KB #157677) (at peak) (mmap: reserved=36KB, committed=36KB) - Other (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB) (malloc=2KB #1) (at peak) - Symbol (reserved=1200KB, committed=1200KB) (malloc=840KB #3351) (at peak) (arena=360KB #1) (at peak) - Native Memory Tracking (reserved=5403KB, committed=5403KB) (malloc=9KB #84) (at peak) (tracking overhead=5394KB) - Shared class space (reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB) (mmap: reserved=16384KB, committed=13280KB) - Arena Chunk (reserved=6311KB, committed=6311KB) (malloc=6311KB #284) (peak=59179KB #1446) - Module (reserved=195KB, committed=195KB) (malloc=195KB #2033) (at peak) - Safepoint (reserved=8KB, committed=8KB) (mmap: reserved=8KB, committed=8KB) - Synchronization (reserved=213KB, committed=213KB) (malloc=213KB #1782) (at peak) - Serviceability (reserved=17KB, committed=17KB) (malloc=17KB #9) (at peak) - Metaspace (reserved=65554KB, committed=2834KB) (malloc=18KB #27) (at peak) (mmap: reserved=65536KB, committed=2816KB) - String Deduplication (reserved=1KB, committed=1KB) (malloc=1KB #8) (at peak) - Object Monitors (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB) (malloc=2KB #9) (at peak)

            azafari Afshin Zafari
            azafari Afshin Zafari
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