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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8330017

ForkJoinPool stops executing tasks due to ctl field Release Count (RC) overflow


      Running on Linux x64, JDK 17.0.10

      RC part of ctl field keeps decreasing until it reaches the min 16 bit negative number (-32768) and then on the next decrement, the value overflows to +32767 (value equals to ForkJoinPool.MAX_CAP) and then it stops executing tasks.

      I saw this issue in an application that had been running for 2/3 months.
      When it happens, the threads that are waiting for the result of a CompletableFuture.join() are blocked forever, because the future never completes.

      Cannot reproduce the issue with this test in Java >= 19.0.2.
      I think the issue was indirectly fixed in this ticket https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8277090
      because the ctl RC field definition changed from:
      RC: Number of released (unqueued) workers minus target parallelism
      RC: Number of released (unqueued) workers

      Since RC is not the result of a subtraction anymore, it shouldn't become negative.

      Run the provided script with the command:
      java --add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED FJPOverflow

      The key to this test is to force as many pool resizes as possible, so I set a low keep-alive time for the threads.
      Without this trick, it takes a long time to reproduce the issue.

      Until the program prints the string: "If you see this, FJP is executing tasks", ForkJoinPool are correctly executing submitted tasks. When RC overflows to 32767, the string will never be printed again.
      It takes about 1 hour to reach this condition naturally.

      Output example near the block condition:
      CTL=(-9222527629104513024), RC=(10000000 00000010 , -32766), TC=(11111111 11111100 , -4), SS=(00000000 00000000 , 0), ID=(00000000 00000000 , 0)
      If you see this, FJP is executing tasks
      CTL=(-9222527624809545728), RC=(10000000 00000010 , -32766), TC=(11111111 11111101 , -3), SS=(00000000 00000000 , 0), ID=(00000000 00000000 , 0)
      If you see this, FJP is executing tasks
      CTL=(9223372019674972185), RC=(01111111 11111111 , 32767), TC=(11111111 11111100 , -4), SS=(00000000 00000001 , 1), ID=(00000000 00011001 , 25)
      CTL=(9223372019674972185), RC=(01111111 11111111 , 32767), TC=(11111111 11111100 , -4), SS=(00000000 00000001 , 1), ID=(00000000 00011001 , 25)
      CTL=(9223372019674972185), RC=(01111111 11111111 , 32767), TC=(11111111 11111100 , -4), SS=(00000000 00000001 , 1), ID=(00000000 00011001 , 25)

      Not recommended:
      With the program argument -c, the ctl value is set to -9222809108376190976L (RC=-32767) using reflection to speed up the issue reproduction. I added this condition to perform some tests. Run the program without the -c argument to reproduce the issue naturally.

      EXPECTED -
      the RC value should not continue to decrease and should not overflow
      ACTUAL -
      the RC value keeps decreasing until -32768, and then overflows to +32767

      ---------- BEGIN SOURCE ----------
      import java.lang.reflect.Field;
      import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
      import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

      public class FJPOverflow {
          public static final int TASKS_PER_ITERATION = 100;
          public static final int TASK_DURATION_MS = 5;
          public static final int ITERATION_DELAY_MS = 100; //Try increment this value if RC is not decreasing
          public static final int THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_MS = 10; //Low keep alive time to trigger frequents pool resize
          public static final int MAX_CAP = 0x7fff; //(32767) Same as ForkJoinPool.MAX_CAP

          // RC=-32767 | TC | SS | ID
          //10000000 00000001 11111111 11111011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          public static final long RC_NEG_32767 = -9222809108376190976L;

          // RC=-32000 | TC | SS | ID
          //10000011 00000000 11111111 11111011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          public static final long RC_NEG_32000 = -9006917801239117824L;

          // RC=-1 | TC | SS | ID
          //11111111 11111111 11111111 11111011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          public static final long RC_NEG_1 = -21474836480L;

          private static final ForkJoinPool fjp = new ForkJoinPool(

          public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
              var options = new Options(args);

              var iterationDelay = ITERATION_DELAY_MS;
              if(options.forceCtl) {
                  iterationDelay = 1000;

              while(true) {
                  runAsync(() -> System.out.println("If you see this, FJP is executing tasks"));

          private static void setCtl(long value) {
              try {
                  Field field = fjp.getClass().getDeclaredField("ctl");
                  field.setLong(fjp, value);
              } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
                  throw new RuntimeException(e);

          private static void runTasks() {
              for (int i = 0; i < TASKS_PER_ITERATION; i++) {

          private static void runAsync(Runnable block) {

          private static void sleepCallback() {
              try {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {

          private static void printCtl() {
              try {
                  Field field = fjp.getClass().getDeclaredField("ctl");
                  long value = (long) field.get(fjp);
              } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {

          private static String ctlAsBinary(long value) {
              String binaryCtl = longToBinary(value);
              String binaryRc = binaryCtl.substring(0, 16);
              String binaryTc = binaryCtl.substring(16, 32);
              String binarySs = binaryCtl.substring(32, 48);
              String binaryId = binaryCtl.substring(48, 64);

              return "CTL=(" + value + "), " +
                      "RC=(" + prettifyBinary(binaryRc) + ", " + binaryToInt(binaryRc) + "), " +
                      "TC=(" + prettifyBinary(binaryTc) + ", " + binaryToInt(binaryTc) + "), " +
                      "SS=(" + prettifyBinary(binarySs) + ", " + binaryToInt(binarySs) + "), " +
                      "ID=(" + prettifyBinary(binaryId) + ", " + binaryToInt(binaryId) + ")";

          private static String longToBinary(long value) {
              // If the value is non-negative, convert it normally
              if (value >= 0) {
                  return padLeftZeros(Long.toBinaryString(value), 64);

              // For negative values, calculate the two's complement
              var positiveValue = -value;
              var invertedValue = ~positiveValue;
              var twosComplement = (invertedValue + 1);

              return padLeftZeros(Long.toBinaryString(twosComplement), 64);

          private static String padLeftZeros(String inputString, int length) {
              if (inputString.length() >= length) {
                  return inputString;
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              while (sb.length() < length - inputString.length()) {

              return sb.toString();

          private static int binaryToInt(String binary) {
              var isNegative = binary.charAt(0) == '1';
              if (!isNegative) {
                  return Integer.parseInt(binary, 2);

              StringBuilder bitsInvertedBinary = new StringBuilder();
              for(int i=0; i < binary.length(); i++) {
                  bitsInvertedBinary.append(binary.charAt(i) == '0' ? '1' : '0');

              return -(Integer.parseInt(bitsInvertedBinary.toString(), 2) + 1);

          private static String prettifyBinary(String binary) {
              StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
              for (int i = 0; i < binary.length(); i += 8) {
                  result.append(binary, i, Math.min(i + 8, binary.length())).append(" ");
              return result.toString();

          protected static class Options {
              private boolean forceCtl = false;

              Options(String[] args) {
                  for (String arg : args) {
                      if (arg.equals("-c")) {
                          forceCtl = true;

      ---------- END SOURCE ----------

      Restart the application

            jjose Johny Jose
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