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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8332901

Select{Current,New}ItemTest.java for Choice don't open popup on macOS


    • b14
    • os_x

        The java/awt/Choice/SelectCurrentItemTest/SelectCurrentItemTest.java and test/jdk/java/awt/Choice/SelectNewItemTest/SelectNewItemTest.java tests do not open the choice popup on macOS. Because the popup is not open, the test does not perform its job.

        SelectCurrentItemTest.java does not fail in this case, no ItemEvent is received; SelectNewItemTest.java fails and it is in ProblemList.txt.

        If I add MouseListener to `theChoice`, it does not receive mouse events: pressed, released and clicked.

        The test should fail if mouse click to open the popup is received because the test is not in the state it expected. Unfortunately, there are no events to determine the popup of the choice is open.

        This bug is likely due to JDK-8322653. If add a component to the right of the choice, it receives mouse events and the test works correctly.

              aivanov Alexey Ivanov
              aivanov Alexey Ivanov
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