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  1. Java Mission Control
  2. JMC-7892

JMC Automated UI MasterPasswordTests is failing


      JMC Automated UI MasterPasswordTest is failing with the following unhandled exception and requires manual intervention to proceed with further testing.


      Steps to reproduce.

      1) clone the jmc repo into a Windows machine.

      2) SET JAVA_HOME=D:\Workspace\Java\JDK11.0.MIN

      3). Modify build.bat skip spot bugs and ignore test failures

      call mvn verify -P uitests -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true

      4. Modify Application.java class  to include display.setCursorLocation(0, 0);

      (under jmc\application\org.openjdk.jmc.rcp.application\src\main\java\org\openjdk\jmc\rcp\application) 

      Display display = PlatformUI.createDisplay(); display.addListener(SWT.OpenDocument, openDocProcessor); display.setCursorLocation(0, 0);

      5. The MasterPassword related tests are failing with following error message




        1. image-2022-09-06-12-01-35-695.png
          83 kB
          Bipin Banathur
        2. uitest.patch
          2 kB
          Bipin Banathur
        3. Windows.log
          2.39 MB
          Bipin Banathur

            schaturvedi Suchita Chaturvedi
            bbanathur Bipin Banathur
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