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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4837248

Time format used in ControlPanel Update tab is not correctly i18n'd


    • b20
    • x86
    • windows_nt, windows_2000

        This problem can be reproduced in all mantis builds. To reproduce:

        1. Program Files -> Settings -> Control Panel
        2. Double click on "Java Plug-in" icon
        3. Click on "Update" tab
        4. Click on "Advanced..." button
        5. Under Frequency
        a. Click on "Daily" radio button, you will see update.advanced_desc1.text
        ex: Perform scan every day at 2:00 PM
        b. Click on "Weekly" radio button, you will see update.advanced_desc2.text
        ex: Perform scan every Sunday at 2:00 PM
        c. Click on "Monthly" radio button, you will see update.advanced_desc3.text
        ex: Perform scan on day 1 of every month at 2:00 PM

        On the file deploy_ws/src/plugin/src/share/classes/sun/plugin/panel/UpdatePanel.java
        it looks like the AmPmString position has been hardcoded.

                DateFormatSymbols datefmt = new DateFormatSymbols();
                ampmStrings = datefmt.getAmPmStrings();
                weekDays = datefmt.getWeekdays();
                atComboBoxText = new String[24];
                atComboBoxText[0] = "12:00 "+ampmStrings[0]; //start with 12AM
        The fix may be to use SHORT format from DateFormat class. See: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/i18n/format/dateFormat.html

        This affects Asian languages such as Korean, S.Chinese, T.Chinese and maybe Japanese.

              rkajasunw Rajani Kaja (Inactive)
              mfang Michael Fang (Inactive)
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