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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4294776

Kestrel Fcs_P: Animator demo makes browser crash or IllegalArgument Exception.


    • 1.3
    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_nt
    • Verified

      By Kestrel FCS_P on Win32, Animator demo makes browser crash or
      "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) must be > 0" .

      To reproduce,

      1. Install JRE.
      2. Go to the urls below.
      Click Animator example1.html
      (or example2.html example3.html example4.html)

      The configrations on which the phenomenon occurs are ;

      WinNT SP4
      IE4.0----->IllegalArgumentException occurs.

      WinNT SP5
      IE5.0----->IllegalArgumentException occurs.
      NC4.7----->An error dialog appears and browser crashes.

      IE5.0----->Just after an Animator demo starts, an error dialog appears and the demo stops and browser crashes.

      NC4.06---->An error dialog appears and browser crashes.

      IE4.0----->Sometimes Animator demo can work, but sometimes
      IllegalArgumentException occurs or
      "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error" occurs.

      ***updated on 12/02/99***
      NC4.6 & NC4.06----->An error dialog appears and browser crashes.
      But, it is intermittied. Sometimes the applet can work well.

      **** shuna.wu@eng 2000-01-03 ****
      I tested this bug on two platforms with build R (RC1)
      (we don't have all of above)
      1) Win95 IE4.0 : Animitor demo makes browser crash.
      2) WinNT SP4 IE4.0 : it works fine at this time.

      So I changed "Fixed" back to "commit".

      **** shuna.wu@eng 2000-01-06 ****
      Another bug will be created against just Win95 & IE4.0.
      The bug ID is 4303329

            jdochezorcl Jerome Dochez (Inactive)
            eishidasunw Etsuko Ishida (Inactive)
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